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« Album Review: Tor - Drum Therapy | Main | Album Review: Late Night Venture - Pioneers Of Spaceflight »

January 20, 2013


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Matt, thanks for discussing these topics.

There is no way that 3rdEyeGirl is a non-Prince approved thing. Andy Allo was leaking stuff on FaceBook for sometime and that obviously had P's blessing.

I am thrilled whenever Prince decides he wants to do something--fair point that most of the recent moves have not been up to previous standards. But, he cannot be expected to have an endless supply of great ideas.

Playing at the small club in Minneapolis and showing a concert film at a theater are lovely moves. I wish that he still had the energy to offer killer stuff like this to the fans more often. A website would be the less stressful way to do this but he seems to have moved on.

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